Venue and travel information

The conference venue is Håndverkeren Kurs- og Konferansesenter, located in the center of Oslo.

Rosenkrantz-gate 7 (, the entrance is in Kristian IV gate on the directly opposite side of the street from the Hotel Bristol. Enter the main entrance, go up the steps, and it is the first door on your left – marked Galleriet.

Oslo is easily reached by airplane – either to Oslo Airport Gardermoen, or to Moss Airport Rygge. From Oslo airport take the Airport express train to Nationaltheatret, about 20 minutes of travel. From Moss airport either take the bus service, Rygge-ekspressen, or the train from Rygge station. Both have a travel time of roughly 60 minutes.

There are a number of hotels close to the venue. Continental is generally recognized as the best, but the Grand and Bristol also keeps a high standard. There are also a number of budget-hotels in and near the Karl Johans gate.